철저히 조사하다 영어로
- shake down
- 철저히: 철저히 [徹底-] thoroughly;
- 조사하다: enquire; question; search; check up; seek; put
- 철저히 검토하다: thresh
- 철저히 수색하다: comb
- 철저히: 철저히 [徹底-] thoroughly; thoroughgoingly; completely; exhaustively; downright; all out; through and through; (up) to the hilt. ~ 하다 do thoroughly / go all length. ~ 연구하다 exhaust / probe to the botto
- 대충 조사하다: dip; run through
- 를 조사하다: inquire into
- 수를 조사하다: tally
- 을 조사하다: see into; look into
- 재조사하다: review; re-examine
- 조사하다: enquire; question; search; check up; seek; put out feelers; view; survey; turn up; examine by reference; examine; economise; scan; analyse; die young; lay away; investigate; scrutinize; analyze; sit
- 철저히 뒤지다: shake down
- 철저히 씻기: scrub up
- 철저히 하는 사람: out and outer
- 두드려 조사하다: sound